Tender Grips Securement for Cannulas

Latex Free
Single Patient Multiple Use

Select Items are Part of AirLife Secure!

Tender Grips Securement helps to lift cannula off of the face to prevent potential rubbing. Moisture resistant, non-toxic, and medical grade.

  • Soft, skin-toned adhesive device used to hold nasal cannula tubing in place
  • Helps to lift cannula off of the face to prevent rubbing
  • Non-toxic, hypoallergenic, medical grade material
  • Moisture-resistant
  • Generally used on the cheek, an internal flap allows cannula adjustment without removing device from patient’s skin
  • Suitable for home, outpatient, extended care, transport and hospital environments


Brand: Salter Labs®
1005-0-25 Tender Grips Cannula Securement25 prs
1006-0-100Tender Grips Cannula Securement100 prs