EtCO2/O2 Adult End Tidal Sampling Filtered Nasal Cannulas

Individual Packaging
Latex Free
Single Patient Multiple Use

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The EtCO2/O2 Adult End Tidal Sampling Filtered Nasal Cannulas are divided that provide true EtCO2 sampling and proven O2 delivery without limitations at higher O2 rates. The orange reflective connector is compatible with leading monitors.

  • Reflective Series Capnography Cannulas
  • Orange reflective connector compatible with leading capnography monitors
  • Divided capnography cannulas provide true EtCO2 sampling and proven O2 delivery without limitations at higher O2 rates
  • Divided design separates gases and Salter Eyes maintain sampling even during a cannula occlusion
  • Hydrophobic 0.22 micron filter
  • Nafion tubing options for moisture management; ideal for long term patient use
  • Thread grip O2 connector
  • Soft Tubing options
Brand: Salter Labs®, SalterSTAT
ItemDescriptionSizeInterfaceEtCO2 ConnectorO2 ConnectorEtCO2 LengthO2 LengthQTY
4MSF3SOFT-7-13-25EtCO2/O2 Filtered Capnography CannulaAdultNasalReflectiveThread Grip13'7'25
4MSF3SOFT-L-7-6-25EtCO2/O2 Filtered Capnography CannulaAdultNasalReflectiveThread Grip6'7'25
4MSF3SOFT-7-6-25 EtCO2/O2 Filtered Capnography CannulaAdultNasalReflectiveThread Grip6'7'25
4MSF3-7-13-100EtCO2/O2 Filtered Capnography CannulaAdultNasalReflectiveThread Grip13'7'100
4MSF3-7-13-25 EtCO2/O2 Filtered Capnography CannulaAdultNasalReflectiveThread Grip13'7'25
4MSF3-7-6-100EtCO2/O2 Filtered Capnography CannulaAdultNasalReflectiveThread Grip6'7'100
4MSF3-7-6-25 EtCO2/O2 Filtered Capnography CannulaAdultNasalReflectiveThread Grip6'7'25
4MSF3-L-7-6-25 EtCO2/O2 Filtered Capnography Cannula, Nafion TubingAdultNasalReflectiveThread Grip6'7'25