Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit Kits

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The Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit ensures accurate readings and best performance. It is ISO-certified and comes in sizes ranging from pediatric to adult.

  • Designed and tested to ensure peak performance and accurate readings
  • ISO certified
  • Sizes for adult and pediatric patients
  • Configurations with masks, filters, heat moisture exchangers with and without filters, gas sample lines and breathing bags
  • Configurations for all clinical needs
  • 100% Leak tested
Brand: AirLife™
AFNX2044 Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit, 72" LIMB-O, 3L, Sampling elbow, Size 5 mask, HMEF, & M/M GSL Adult20
A41XXXXXCorrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Adult, 40" Corrugated, Parallel wye, Sampling elbow Adult20
AFNX2904Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit, 72" LIMB-O, 3L, Sampling elbow, Size 5 mask, HMEF, & M/M GSLAdult20
AFNX8044Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit, 72" LIMB-O, 2L, Sampling elbow, Size 5 mask, HMEF, & M/M GSL Adult20
AXXXXX8060' Circuit, Parallel WYE, Gas Sampling Line 10' Male/Male, 5708 HCH Filter, Flex 5-Mask, 3L Bag Adult20
A46X2044Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Adult, 60" Corrugated, 3L, Parallel wye, Sampling elbow, Size 5 mask, HMEF, & M/M GSL Adult20
A46121XX60" Circuit, Parallel WYE, Gas Elbow, Dome 5-Mask, B/V Filter, 3L Bag Adult20
A565203XCorrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Adult, 60" Corrugated, 3L, Ported parallel wye, Sampling elbow, 2 B/V filters, Size 5 mask, & HMEF Adult20
A46XXXXXCorrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Adult, 60" Corrugated, 3L, Parallel wye, Sampling elbow, HEPA, & Size 5 mask Adult20
AXXXXX9172" Circuit, Parallel WYE, Gas Elbow, Gas Sampling Line 10' Male/Male, Edith 1000 HME Filter, 2L Bag Adult20
B1317XXXCorrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Pediatric, 60" Corrugated, 2L, Parallel pediatric wye, Sampling elbow, & HEPA Pediatric20
AXXXXX80VCorrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Adult, 60" Corrugated, 3L, Parallel wye, Plain elbow, Size 5 mask, HMEF, & M/M GSL Pediatric20
B1314XXX Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Pediatric, 60" Corrugated, 1L, Parallel pediatric wye, Sampling elbow, & HEPA Pediatric20
B1353XX4Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Pediatric, 60" Corrugated, 1L, Parallel pediatric wye, Sampling elbow, 2 B/V filters, & M/M GSL Pediatric20
B13X4XX0Corrugated Anesthesia Circuit, Pediatric, 60" Corrugated, 1L, Parallel pediatric wye, Sampling elbow, & M/M GSL Pediatric20