NebuTech High-Performance Nebulizer

Every breath counts in aerosol delivery

The NebuTech® High-Performance Nebulizer rapidly delivers effective therapy using its unique bolus aerosol delivery pattern. Combined with the high pressure Salter Elite compressor, the NebuTech helps patients stay compliant to their prescribed aerosol therapy. NebuTech is the fastest growing jet nebulizer in hospitals, making the transition to home treatments easier.
  • For ED, acute care, ICU, EMS, and in-home therapy
  • Optional mask, expiratory filter, and PEP therapy
  • Shorter treatment time helps promote patient compliance;
  • 3 mL in less than 5 min at 8 LPM
  • Screw on cap provides leak proof seal
  • Safety PEP allows improved ventilation of the lungs during therapy
  • Expiratory Filter Set helps protect against exposure to potential exhaled medication


Patient-friendly add-on features provide a flexible and improved respiratory experience that is unique to each patient. NebuTech® allows for multiple patient settings, options and positions.

Outcomes vs 1-hour continuous nebulizer

In an emergency department (ED) study of children with moderate to severe asthma exacerbations, breath-enhanced NebuTech® helped anixious asthmatic patients and their parents spend less time in the ED5:
  • ED length of stay (LOS)2 was reduced by over 44 minutes (p<0.001)
  • Shorter time between assessments
  • Quick action upon symptom resolution
  • Similar safety profile

Zero readmissions for patiens treated with NebuTech, even though they presented with a PAS score of 3 or higher.


B/V Filter

Bacterial and viral (B/V) filters help reduce the transmission of microbes and other particulate matter in the breathing system. SunMed bacterial/viral filter media was tested to VFE efficiency and BFE efficiency of 99.99% ASTM standards by Nelson Laboratory.

Expiratory Filter

The filter set fits on the exhalation valve of the mouthpiece to reduce the amount of aerosolized medication released in the atmosphere, further protecting caregivers from exposure to potential exhaled medication.


The lightweight, portable, and quiet Salter AIRE Elite compressor is designed for rapid effective aerosol delivery. Compressors are available in two voltage choices and come paired with either T-Piece or NebuTech nebulizers.



Our unique valved aerosol masks combine exhalation ports for safety with a one-way valve to keep air entrained and reduce aerosol being directed to the patient’s eyes and face.

Safety PEP

Features include 10 settings selection, visible numbers with click-lock adjustment, maximum 20 cm H2O relief valve, and manometer port. Allows PEP therapy simultaneously with aerosol treatment.